Creating a Spring Boot based AIS message decoder
(Posted 2018-09-13)
To demonstrate how easy it is to parse AIS messages (what is an AIS message?) with my open source library AISmessages, this post shows how to create a Spring Boot based microservice which can receive NMEA strings via HTTP and respond with the decoded AIS messages in JSON format.
So – for an HTTP request with a JSON array of NMEA strings like this:
POST http://localhost:8080/decode
Content-Type: application/json
… we would like a response like this:
"sourceMmsi": { "mmsi":576048000 },
"communicationState": {
Initializing a new Spring Boot project
A quick way to build such a service is to use Spring MVC. So, first we need to initialize a new Spring Boot project. An easy way to do this is to visit and fill in the form like this:
Generate and download the resulting project. Then move it to a suitable directory on your machine and unzip it like this:
$ mv ~/Downloads/ .
$ unzip
creating: aisdecoder/
inflating: aisdecoder/gradlew
creating: aisdecoder/gradle/
creating: aisdecoder/gradle/wrapper/
creating: aisdecoder/src/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/aisdecoder/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/resources/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/resources/static/
creating: aisdecoder/src/main/resources/templates/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/tbsalling/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/
creating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/aisdecoder/
inflating: aisdecoder/.gitignore
inflating: aisdecoder/build.gradle
inflating: aisdecoder/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
inflating: aisdecoder/gradle/wrapper/
inflating: aisdecoder/gradlew.bat
inflating: aisdecoder/settings.gradle
inflating: aisdecoder/src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/aisdecoder/
inflating: aisdecoder/src/main/resources/
inflating: aisdecoder/src/test/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/aisdecoder/
As a smoke test we will first build new freshly, unmodified project - this is done with Gradle like this:
$ cd aisdecoder
$ ./gradlew build
... <a lot of build information>
5 actionable tasks: 5 executed
With the boiler plate project just built, we should see that it runs:
$ ./gradlew bootRun
> Task :bootRun
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.0.5.RELEASE)
... <a lot of log output omitted>
o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
2018-09-13 07:59:01.475 INFO 10989 --- [ main] d.t.a.d.a.AisdecoderApplication : Started AisdecoderApplication in 1.7 seconds (JVM running for 2.008)
<=========----> 75% EXECUTING [21s]
> :bootRun
All seems well. The Spring MVC web application is running - but not doing much useful yet.
Adding custom code
Adding AISmessages as a dependency
The first thing we will do, is to add AISmessages as a dependency. This is done by adding this line into build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile group: 'dk.tbsalling', name: 'aismessages', version: '2.2.3'
Adding Spring MVC Controller
Next we will add the Spring MVC controller which handle incoming HTTP requests. This controller should be able to receive a JSON array of NMEA strings and output a JSON array of AIS messages.
So, in folder src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/
we add file
like this:
package dk.tbsalling.ais.decoder.aisdecoder;
import dk.tbsalling.aismessages.ais.messages.AISMessage;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class AisdecoderController {
value = "/decode",
method = RequestMethod.POST,
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
public List<AISMessage> decode(@RequestBody List<String> nmea) {
return Collections.emptyList();
This class is discovered by Spring through classpath scanning at startup, and handles incoming HTTP POST requests headed for URI /decode - such as http://localhost:8080/decode. The current implementation is mostly boiler plate and does nothing useful.
What we want it to do, is to call a service class which can convert the received NMEA strings into AIS messages. Like this:
public class AisdecoderController {
private AisdecoderService aisdecoderService;
public List<AISMessage> decode(@RequestBody List<String> nmea) {
return aisdecoderService.decode(nmea);
Adding AIS decode service
Then we need need the AisdecoderService
. This is the most custom part of the code and where the real work happens. It should receive a list of n NMEA messages, convert and return these as a list of m AIS messages.
We start by adding to src/main/java/dk/tbsalling/ais/decoder/
the class
package dk.tbsalling.ais.decoder.aisdecoder;
import dk.tbsalling.aismessages.ais.messages.AISMessage;
import java.util.List;
public class AisdecoderService {
public List<AISMessage> decode(List<String> nmea) {
So - how do we implement the decode method? The key here is class NMEAMessageHandler
from AISmessages. NMEAMessageHandler
is a class which can keep consuming NMEA messages and perform a callback whenever the received messages result in the successful decoding of a complete AIS message. Sometimes NMEA messages and AIS messages correspond 1:1 - other times it takes 2 NMEA messages to decode 1 AIS message.
So - we will extend AisdecoderService like this:
public class AisdecoderService implements Consumer<AISMessage> {
public List<AISMessage> decode(List<String> nmeaMessagesAsStrings) {
NMEAMessageHandler nmeaMessageHandler = new NMEAMessageHandler("SRC1", this);
public void accept(AISMessage aisMessage) {
Now the decode()-method initializes a NMEAMessageHandler
. This handler is handed this (the decoder itself) to that it can make callbacks whenever an AIS message is fully constructed. To be used for callbacks, the AisdecoderService
needs to implement the Consumer<AISMessage>
Next, we need to start feeding the NMEA messages to the NMEAMessageHandler
. One way to do that is this loop which iterates over all the NMEA strings and passes each one to the NMEAMessageHandler
public class AisdecoderService implements Consumer<AISMessage> {
public List<AISMessage> decode(List<String> nmeaMessagesAsStrings) {
// Decode all received messages
nmeaMessagesAsStrings.forEach(nmeaMessageAsString -> {
try {
NMEAMessage nmeaMessage = NMEAMessage.fromString(nmeaMessageAsString);
} catch(NMEAParseException e) {
Everytime the NMEA message handler can put the NMEA pieces together a complete AIS message, a callback is made to the AisdecoderService#accept(AISMessage msg)
method. This method needs to store i AIS messages in a list, so that they can be returned by the decoder later:
public class AisdecoderService implements Consumer<AISMessage> {
private final List<AISMessage> aisMessages = new LinkedList<>();
public void accept(AISMessage aisMessage) {
Finally, in the decode()
method, we must deal with the situation, where there are no more NMEA messages. This calls for a flush of the NMEAMessageHandler and return of the collected AIS messages:
public class AisdecoderService implements Consumer<AISMessage> {
public List<AISMessage> decode(List<String> nmeaMessagesAsStrings) {
// Flush receiver for unparsed message fragments
List unparsedMessages = nmeaMessageHandler.flush();
unparsedMessages.forEach(unparsedMessage -> {
System.err.println("NMEA message not used: " + unparsedMessage);
// Return result
return aisMessages;
Complete code
The complete code resulting from the above can be viewed on Github:
Run it yourself
The code can then be cloned, compiled, run and invoked like this:
$ git clone
Cloning into 'aisdecoder'...
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 0), reused 32 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
$ cd aisdecoder/
$ git checkout 7c02cbcef2ff273ab157e41fa71b193ae3304a93
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew bootRun
> Task :bootRun
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.0.5.RELEASE)
<=========----> 75% EXECUTING [42s]
> :bootRun
Then, in a separate terminal window the web service can be invoked with e.g. Postman or curl (on Linux or MacOS), like this:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/decode -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[ "!AIVDM,1,1,,A,18UG;P0012G?Uq4EdHa=c;7@051@,0*53" ]'
That’s it 🙂